Happy New Year, Brothers, Family, and Friends!
May 2023 bring you much joy and prosperity.
I would like to congratulate the Officers of Washington Lodge No. 20 for a splendid and successful Installation. It was indeed an amazing experience to see the Deputy Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of California, Right Worshipful Sean Metroka, PM, preside as Installing Officer.
Additionally, our very own Past Masters made the event even more special: Worshipful Joseph Dongo, PM, who is also the Grand Standard Bearer of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of California, served as Master of Ceremonies and was joined by Worshipful J. Scott Goode, PM, who served as Installing Chaplain.
I am thankful and honored by their participation. To commemorate the occasion, I presented Right Worshipful Metroka with a handmade wood plaque with the 2023 Emblem of our Lodge on the front and the Emblem of the US Marine Corps on the back.
Your newly installed Officers will be hitting the ground running right away. There are a number of activities already planned for the new year. First, with his usual attention to detail, our Brother Secretary, Worshipful Franciso Marques, PM, continues to gather data to update our rosters, thereby ensuring we have the most up-to-date contact information for all members, spouses, and widows.
You might want to review and update your information in iMember 2.0 of the Grand Lodge of California website at www.freemason.org. This is used frequently to obtain detail on each of us and our contact information. I know I use it regularly. If online access is not a good option for you, please send your updates to Secretary@WLN20.org or at 1123 J Street 95814.
By and large, almost all of us receive information electronically and it is important that the data is as accurate as possible. We will also be preparing for several Degree Ceremonies throughout the year. In some cases, they may even be Double-Degree Ceremonies. We start with a First Degree Night in February, followed by a Second Degree Conferral in March.
But, before we get there, we are having our Annual Roll Call Dinner on January 26th at 6:30 PM in the Banquet Room. We highly encourage you to make reservations in order to have the appropriate amount of food for the occasion. Just as a reminder, the Roll Call is the special evening when we honor the Junior Past Master who retired from the previous year and all Master Masons who were raised during his term. We also recognize all the Past Masters and the members of their “classes.”
We have our Annual Ladies' Luncheon coming in February. We look forward to seeing all the ladies in attendance, as this is our first opportunity to honor and serve those who have been so supportive of what we have done and continue to do as a Lodge. This is scheduled for Saturday, February 4th at 12:00 PM in the Club Room. More information to follow.

This year, our theme is Pride, Passion, and Commitment.
Pride signifies honor, faithfulness, and devotion: high qualities we should all endeavor to exhibit. Passion is what gives us boundless energy, intense focus, and the willpower to overcome even the most daunting obstacles. Commitment denotes intelligence, dependability, and hard-working individuals.
Our traditions are deeply rooted and, with Pride, Passion, and Commitment, we can develop a balance between these traditions with new innovative concepts. Today’s ever-increasingly fast speed of information warrants that we align new concepts to deal with historical ways of doing things.
As an example, we had to pivot to meet via teleconferencing during the lockdown of the pandemic. This example demonstrates our ability to balance tradition with newer innovative concepts. Now I’m not suggesting we will be moving to teleconference going forward, but I am saying that we have shown our flexibility to sustain our Order. Certainly, many of the committee meetings can be held online, making it easier for greater participation. Just an example for reference.
I am eager with anticipation of what our Lodge can accomplish and what our line of Officers can achieve. The line of Officers this year is robust, which positions our Lodge for a very promising future. We also have a substantial number of Past Masters who are very active and great contributors. I hope to collaborate with all Officers and Past Masters fully. I welcome the wisdom that our Past Masters can bring and I look forward to innovation from our members as well as incoming members.
Additionally, there is going to be a much stronger emphasis on Masonic Education this year. We have at least three Masonic Education Nights on the calendar and look forward to a very active Masonic Education Committee.
It is my hope that your desire to learn more about our rituals, traditions, and history will flourish in 2023, and that you will participate, along with your family, in the variety of events planned for our Masonic Family.
Brethren, there is no time limit on when you decide to accomplish or discover your gifts, callings, or purpose in life, and I challenge you to take that next step to make it happen.
Remember you are not alone and together we can accomplish much more than we think.
With Brotherly Love and Affection, I am your humble servant.

From the West
Matthew Mason - Senior Warden

We start another Masonic year in fine fashion. Some very good Brethren were installed, as Worshipful Mauro Lara has covered above.
In the West, I am charged with wearing the jewel of the level. But what does being on the level mean?
According to collinsdictionary.com, “if you say that someone…is on the level, you mean that they are sincere or honest, and are not attempting to deceive people.” Its synonyms are honest, genuine, and sincere.
In Freemasonry, it indicates that all human beings are equal - that one person is not any better than another. This is exactly how we should strive to act in a lodge with our members.
While it is particularly important among Brethren, it does not mean acting on the level stops as you pass by the Tiler on the way out of the lodge room. Treating others with the respect they deserve is one of the things that set Masons apart from the general public. We do not own or hold title to "being on the level", we do demonstrate that attitude to all mankind. For many of us, it is what exposed us to the Craft through a friend, relative, or coworker.
So as we start this year, keep in mind that treating someone on the level is a true hallmark of harmony among societies, which really is our true strength as a Fraternity.

From the South
Joseph Wallach - Junior Warden

Happy New Year, Brethren!
I would like to thank you for electing me as your Junior Warden for 2023. I am excited to serve you as Washington Lodge No. 20 enters upon its 171st trip around the sun.
January is a special time of year. A time to have left that which no longer suits us or disagreements among us in the ashes of the previous year. A time to look to the future, renew old bonds as well as create new ones and make amends with those who are agreeable to it.
We have sixteen members who will be celebrating birthdays this month. If you check our Birthday Roster in this Edition, I’m sure you will recognize them from the many events they have attended and the support they have provided through the years.

There are many days in 2023 dedicated to events, activities, and people each and every month.
As I looked at some of these, one of them caught my attention above the others and that was National Hugging Day on January 21st. It is symbolic of holding tight to those who mean the most to us as well as embracing that which unites and binds us in sincere affection and brotherhood.
I look forward to the time we will spend together this year.
And for those who will celebrate the Lunar New Year on January 22nd, Gong Hei Fat Choy!

Richard Wilson, PM - Chaplain
January’s highlight will be our Annual Roll Call Dinner on Thursday, January 26th, in the third-floor Banquet Room at the Sacramento Masonic Temple.
Roll Call is the special evening when we honor the recently retired Master from the previous year and all the new Master Masons who were raised during his term.
We also recognize all the Past Masters and the members of their ”classes.” And, we pay a final tribute to those Brothers who were raised into that Celestial Lodge above during the same year.
The gates will open at 5:30 PM for a fellowship hour, and dinner served at 6:30 PM; reservations are particularly essential. Please RSVP to Brother Christopher Hamilton at chamilton4554@gmail.com.
The dress code for the evening is coat and tie (tuxedos for the Officers).
The cost for the Brethren is $10.00 each (or $10.61 ONLINE).
Your ladies are also invited, and I encourage you to bring them. As always, there is no charge for the ladies.

First Thoughts
Kevin Hall - Masonic Education Committee
Brothers, January is upon us. A time for new beginnings, new resolutions, and a new year of brotherhood for Washington Lodge No. 20.
In line with this spirit, and in an effort to continually improve our fantastic Lodge, our new Worshipful Master Mauro Lara wants us to up our game in regards to Masonic Education. To accelerate this, a new Masonic Education Committee has been formed with Brother Matthew Mason as Chairperson and with Worshipful Francisco Marques, Brother Joseph Wallach, Brother William Workman, Brother Ramey Packer, and Brother Kevin Hall as members.
We are pleased and very excited that more emphasis on Masonic Education will soon be emphasized for the following reasons:
This will strengthen our ability as Brothers to better ourselves as citizens, husbands, fathers, and Masons.
Our new Grand Master Randall Brill has stated that he wants to have the average age of new Masons to come down over time to their 20s and 30s. Based on our research younger prospects are very interested in Masonic symbols and other esoterica.
This will hopefully aid in the retention of existing members who may go elsewhere for further education.
This new committee is meeting and considering a variety of approaches as to how we can accomplish this.

There are several, if not more, questions we will try to deal with and rapidly answer:
How often do we want to schedule Masonic Education events within our Lodge.
When these will take place: A short presentation or talk every month or periodically during the Stated Meeting? Speakers and or video presentations during dinner before Stated Meetings? A separate evening for Masonic Education two or three times a year? Combination of some or all of the above?
What material to emphasize. Masonic symbols, histories, and other esoterica? Leadership skills? Both? Other?
The committee wants to hear from you. We will be communicating and asking for feedback. It is hoped that this becomes a permanent part of our great Lodge.
Cheers and looking forward to an amazing 2023 for Washington Lodge No. 20!

Washington Lodge No. 20 invites you to our
Annual Ladies Luncheon
Wine and Roses
Saturday, February 4th at 12:00 PM
Third Floor - Club Room
1123 J Street Sacramento, CA
Join us for lunch, wine tasting,
and socializing
Attire: Business Casual
RSVP to Lynne Goode at
or 916-208-8166
by 01/28/2023
pour wine and live longer
• 03 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 05 Fellowship Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 05 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 12 Roll Call Dinner Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 18 OSI (Officers School of Instruction) (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
• 19 Officers Meeting (Club Room) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 26 Annual Roll Call Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 31 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 02 Fellowship Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 02 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 04 Annual Ladies’ Luncheon (Club Room) Saturday 12:00 PM
• 09 First Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 15 OSI (Officers School of Instruction) (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
• 16 DARK Thursday
• 23 Double First Degree
Mr. Ivan Flowers and Mr. Anthony Ibarra (LR1) Thursday 07:00 PM
• 28 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
01 David Freeman (Master Mason) (Grammarian)
01 Scott Germer (Master Mason)
06 John Knox (Past Master)
07 Kyle Campbell (Master Mason)
08 Marvin Freedman (Master Mason)
08 Frederick Hardiman (Past Master)
12 Steven Anders (Master Mason)
13 Nigel Martin (Master Mason)
14 Allen Kramer (Master Mason)
14 Derek Waterman (Master Mason)
15 Jonathon Miller (Entered Apprentice)
17 Sonny Stormes (Past Master)
18 Michael Contreras (Master Mason)
23 Jerry Livingston-Joy (Master Mason)
26 D. Edward Entrican (Past Master)
31 Cornell Tindall (Entered Apprentice)
16 Alejandro Reynoso (9 Years)
19 William Cameron (11 Years)
22 Morrison England Jr. (12 Years)
22 Ian Solis-Jacques (8 Years)
25 Eric Hardiman (26 Years)
25 Wesley Jackson (5 Years)
30 Jonathan Brizuela (9 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
The Masonic Initiate: A Guide to Light
by Bradrick A. Joyner (Author), W. Kirk MacNulty (Foreword)
The Fraternity of Freemasonry supplies the necessary resources, that when properly applied, can assist a man in bettering himself not only mentally and physically, but also spiritually.
In an attempt to revive the interest, within the Fraternity, of the practical applications of the deeper spiritual lessons provided within the degrees, "The Masonic Initiate - A Guide to Light" confirms for every Brother that his Fraternity is furnished with the necessary tools to erect his spiritual temple.
This book provides a foundation to begin the "journey of the soul" through the manifestation of the teachings of the degrees of Freemasonry. This book focuses on the Entered Apprentice degree of Freemasonry, covering its symbolism, forms, and ceremonies.
It takes the lessons and symbols of the first degree of Freemasonry and reveals content that can be applied through both traditional and contemporary forms of spiritual development.
This book gives a fresh perspective; it links spiritual practices, like visualization and meditation, to the teachings of Freemasonry.
"The Masonic Initiate - A Guide to Light" can be beneficial for the youngest member of the Fraternity, as it attempts to clarify the nature of the forms and ceremonies of his degree, and shed Light on what it means to be "initiated."
At the same time, it offers a fresh perspective on some of the symbols and ceremonies that can be well-received, enlightening, and even quite refreshing for the elder Brother.
Bradrick A. Joyner was born on April 2nd, 1988, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Aside from writing and lecturing, he is a Father, musician, philosopher, and an active Freemason.
Bradrick attended Middle Tennessee State University where he studied The Recording Industry: Productions and Technologies, then, later on, became a certified Pro-Tools Operator in Music. This gave him the fulfilling opportunity to work as a professional musician and audio engineer.
Shortly after the birth of his son in 2011, Bradrick decided to transition from music into the world of writing. In 2014, he published his first book titled: "Ethics, Deductions, & Common Sense."
Since then, Bradrick has been requested to speak at over 50 engagements, with topics ranging from Traditional Occult History and Philosophy, Comparative Religion, Freemasonry, Meditation, Moral Psychology, Theosophy, and more.
Bradrick's writing has been described as "energetic" and "concise." His ability to explain in-depth concepts with ease while keeping his readers and listeners engaged makes for a rare and satisfying experience. Bradrick is internationally available for book signings, lectures, and special guest appearances.
ISBN-10 : 1499280831
ISBN-13 : 978-1499280838
1. ONLINE at Freemason.org
Registration Required:
- Lodge Number: 20
- Your Member ID: (Ask Secretary)
- Your Last Name: (Case Sensitive)
2. ONLINE at Square.com
3. CHECK payable to:
Washington Lodge No. 20
(Mailed to 1123 J Street 95814)
(In-Person at 1123 J Street 95814)

Masons of California
Masonic Health Services
The Pavilion at the Masonic Homes
MCYAF Across the Lifespan
Masonic Value Network
Masonic Homes of California Resources
Masonic Philanthropy
Masonic Youth Order Resources Library
California Masonic Foundation Cornerstone Society

Washington Lodge No. 20
2023 Officers
Mauro Lara
Worshipful Master
Matthew Mason
Senior Warden
Joseph Wallach
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Richard Wilson (PM)
William Workman
Senior Deacon
Brandon Jenkins
Junior Deacon
Christopher Hamilton
Kamyl Assè
Senior Steward
Patrick Fischer
Junior Steward
James Dimmitt
Martin Buff
Russell Tomas (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Francisco Marques (PM)
Officers' Coach
Joseph Dongo (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th District