As we transition back into the rain season, where the rest of the Northern Hemisphere begins to slow down, grab the blankets and gather around the fireplace for some hot cocoa and family games, our Lodge will keep the energy going strong.
November looks to be another busy month with the Annual Election of Officers, our highly anticipated Ladies Night, a multi-Candidate EA Degree, and the beginning of the holidays.
But first, I would like to salute Brother Allan Harlan, on being Initiated an Entered Apprentice of the Masonic Craft. Performed graciously and solely by the Past Masters of Washington Lodge No. 20, under the direction of Worshipful Jared Yoshiki, the Degree Ceremonies were phenomenal. Long-form EA Lecture by Worshipful Jesse Solis-Jacques and Charge by Worshipful Eric Hixson. Kudos to all Past Masters, Officers, and members for such a great turnout. A very special thank you to Brother A.J. HotWheels from Modesto Lodge No. 206 for participating in his nephew’s Initiation. The family tradition goes on… Three living Masons and counting!
Dinner was served prior to the meeting and awards were presented to the Past Masters in recognition of their faithful service and exceptional leadership and devotion to this Lodge. We also celebrated the birthday of Worshipful Scott Goode. A Past Masters Night we will never forget.

At the November 4th Stated Meeting, Master Masons will vote in the Annual Election of Officers for the ensuing Masonic year. We will be electing our new Master and Wardens, who will lead us in the coming year. We also elect our Treasurer and Secretary, as well as delegates to the Temple and Cemetery Boards. Plan to attend and join us in this time-honored duty. Master Masons must be in good standing to be permitted to vote in the Election of Officers. Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM, when we will use the opportunity to recognize our Military Veterans and thank those brave individuals who have risked their lives and have fought for the cause of Freedom.
And just two days later, on November 6th, Saturday night, we will gather in the Ballroom to celebrate our Ladies and Widows. This Ladies Night - The Roaring Twenties will be our last open event of my term as Master and I would love to have you joining us for an evening of fine dining, dancing and fellowship.
5:30 PM Social
6:00 PM Dinner and Program

Dr. Gerhard Bauer and twenty (20) musicians of the Phonotone Orchestra will be playing tunes from the 1920s through the 1940s, and food will be provided by Mr. Elias Silhi and his team from Tony’s Delicatessen & Catering with choices of Chicken Cordon Bleu, Prime Rib, or Vegetarian (Vegan option is also available upon request).
Grab your dancing shoes, fancy attire, and get ready to dance like never before. Guests are encouraged to dress up to the style of the 1920s. This is the era when the Masonic Temple was dedicated to all Freemasons in Sacramento and Washington Lodge 20 is looking to recreate the magic in our beautiful Ballroom. Seating will be assigned, so please make your reservation with Master@WLN20.org today.
$25 for WLN20 Masons and FREE for their spouses or significant others.
FREE for WLN20 Widows.
General ticket: $25 gentlemen and $15 ladies.
Pay cash or check upon arrival or pay online (preferable) HERE
On November 13th, Saturday morning, Washington Lodge will be hosting a Quadruple First Degree at the Masonic Temple.
8:00 AM Breakfast (Club Room)
9:00 Degree (Lodge Room)
12:00 PM Lunch (Banquet Room)
1:00 PM Conclusion of Ceremonies (Lodge Room)
Not only Officers of other Lodges will be actively participating in the Degree, but also our Assistant Grand Lecturer, Worshipful Jairo Gomez, will be delivering a very special presentation to our Newly Obligated Brothers. Reservations for Breakfast and Lunch are necessary. RSVP to Master@WLN20.org.
The Officers will gather in the evening of November 18th and practice for the Annual Installation of Officers, which is right around the corner - scheduled for Sunday afternoon, December 12th. This is one of our favorite annual events. Please mark your calendar.

In closing Brethren, as we approach this season of Thanksgiving, I have been reflecting on the things I am most grateful for. Primarily, among them, is our talented group of Officers. I couldn’t be happier with my team. We have been through so many challenges this year and, together, we achieved great things.
Thank you for the work you do for our Lodge. Without your commitment, zeal, and high Masonic standards, we would not be the thriving Lodge we are today.
My thoughts also turn gratefully to our membership. Many of you have taken the time to whisper good counsel in my attentive (and thankful) ear. I truly appreciate how your encouragement has helped me grow during my term in this office and I want to let you know how much your guidance and support have meant to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the people you love most and that you are showered with the gratitude you deserve for being such a perfect example of Masonic values.

Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time. As a Brother and Officer of our Lodge, one group I draw inspiration from is our Past Masters. Our Past Masters are an excellent example of Brotherly Love. These men served our Lodge and sacrificed their time to lead. Moreover, during their year as Master of the Lodge, one could say the twenty-four-inch gauge of life may not have been divided equally.
As every man is different, these men found their own way to lead while also crafting our Lodge to what it is today. Each year, the culture of the Lodge can change and as I have seen, it all starts with the East. So, my Brothers, if you are looking for examples to follow in Freemasonry, know that you can always look to the Past Masters for inspiration.
Welcome to the Brotherhood Mr. Allan Harlan! Another excellent event that set the bar again. It was awesome to see Brother Harlan bring his family to share in such a great personal occasion. Also seeing Brother Brandon Jenkins bring his family reminded me that I probably should have brought my family as well. Fahm and the kids would have loved Uncle Bob and Cordon Bleu Crew's delicious meal (I would have eaten more, Bob, if I didn't just finish some dental work!). The dinner we shared with Brothers and family was only the beginning of a great night.

As I mentioned, Past Masters' Night was an event that has set the bar. From beginning to end, the night was eventful and entertaining. If I were to sum it up into a single word, it would be "inspired."
Worshipful Francisco Marques planned a beautiful start to our night with acknowledgment of the Past Masters and their accomplishments.
Their much-deserved rewards of recognition were not only beautiful but also highlight of the night (a highlight I don’t know how to top next year). The ritual performed by our Past Masters was an example of over 100 years of combined knowledge among these gentlemen. One day I hope to be able to perform a ritual as smooth and emotive as them. The masterfully performed night by everyone involved was a bright beacon in this crazy year.
2022 Annual Dues
An email was sent from Grand Lodge to let everyone know they have an option to pay their dues through Grand Lodge’s website: Freemason.org (login required).
Although there are other options like paying by check or through our own Lodge website, I encourage all of you to pay through the Grand Lodge website. This will help us (especially our Brother Secretary) keep an accurate account of our membership with Grand Lodge.

Congratulations to our Brother Marshal Joseph Wallach, who is turning the big 5-0 this month! Brother Joe, I hope you have a wonderful celebration of your milestone.
This month’s Stated Meeting features our Annual Election of Officers. To keep in the tradition of this column’s 2021 practice of examining the Ancient world, let’s look back to see how the Greeks and Romans voted.
Interestingly, the Greek word to vote is ψηφίζω , which is pronounced psay-fid'-zo. It originates from the root word ψῆφον, which is pronounced psay'-fos and means little stone or pebble. This custom stems from the practice in Ancient Greece to vote by casting counting small white or black pebbles cast into metal urns. As an illustration, see the image below, which is from about 490BC, and shows pebbles being cast as part of voting.

More fascinating etymology continues in the Roman era. Consider the word ballot, which has its roots in Latin via the Italian word pallotta, which means little ball. Our word vote also descends from Latin, and is related to the same root that is in the words vow, votive and devotion, and refers to a thing solemnly promised.
Early on in Ancient Rome, they employed the voice vote, which was communicated to a teller called a rogator. Later, Rome transitioned to the secret ballot, which eventually became employed for all elective offices. The secret ballot was controversial, as it limited the ability of the aristocracy to electioneer. However, it also provided the people with a measure of freedom, and could not be abolished.
The method of voting in Rome was a little different from Greece. The ballot was a small wax-covered wooden tablet called a tabella cerata. The voters would be handed the ballot by the rogator, mark it, and deposit it into the ballot box. See the coin below, dated about 113 BC .
Voting is an important part of Masonic tradition, and I hope as we participate in our own ceremonies, we can be inspired by the experiences of the Ancients.

"T'is the Season to Pay Our Dues"
Happy Holidays, Brethren! It's that time of year again to pay our dues!
As previously discussed back in February of this year, we provided several options to pay our dues to assist with maintaining membership currency. As a courtesy reminder, your dues contribution helps many masonic programs throughout the State of California and the members within our lodges.
We thank you all again for being proud members of our fraternity and look forward to seeing you again soon!
As approved at the 172nd Annual Communication, the per capita is now $57.50, which brings our 2022 Annual Dues to $87.50:
$30.00 ... Lodge Dues (Washington Lodge 20)
$57.50 ... Per Capita (Grand Lodge)
$87.50 DUE BY 12/31/2021
This month, you will receive your Dues Notice via USPS and email.
Below are the types of payments and instructions available for you:
If you would like to make your payment via the Grand Lodge website, please log into iMember 2.0 at Freemason.org and follow the prompts on your screen to pay your dues. Once payment is completed, your virtual dues card will immediately be available for printing.
If paying by check, please make it payable to Washington Lodge No. 20 and mail it to the address below:
Washington Lodge No. 20
Attn: Secretary's Office
1123 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
If paying by Credit Card/Debit Card on the Washington Lodge No. 20 website, simply click HERE.
Note: (CC online payments will include a service charge to cover processing fees)
If paying for more than one year of membership dues, please scroll down to the Give Now option and enter the desired dollar amount.
Please contact me before using that option if you are unsure of how much to pay.
Follow payment prompts and before you place your order, there is a comment box in the “review and submit order” section and type “Lodge Dues.”
As soon as I receive payments either by check, cash, or online confirmation, I will update your iMember membership account that will enable your dues card to display for printing. This is an amazing feature that is very convenient for every member, however, I will continue to mail your dues card until I receive a request from you stating otherwise.
Hope this helps, Brethren, and thank you all again for your time and support!
If you need further assistance, please contact the Lodge Secretary Jesse Solis-Jacques, PM at 916-412-1423.

Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
The Meaning of Masonry
by W.L. Wilmshurst
Who are the Masons and what does their society believe in? Although there are over six million members of this fraternity worldwide, with some extremely famous past members including George Washington, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Simon Bolivar, little is actually known about what they do.
W. L. Wilmshurst's The Meaning of Masonry sheds light upon this notoriously secretive organization. As a mason himself in the early twentieth century Wilmshurst had first-hand knowledge of Masonic rituals and practices and here explains the symbolism behind it, its rites and beliefs, and ultimately why people become Masons.
From the various degrees that they hold to the clothing that they wear and the lodges which they attend, Wilmshurst's The Meaning of Masonry analyses multiple aspects of the organization. He provides a fascinating insight into the Masonic Order, uncovering the origins of their beliefs and placing them in the context of when they began.
About the Author
Walter Leslie Wilmshurst (1867-1939), an English solicitor and Freemason, was a Christian mystic and prominent 20th Century writer on Freemasonry.
Raised a Master Mason at Huddersfield Lodge No. 290 on December 11, 1889, he later joined the Lodge of Harmony No. 275. In 1927, he founded and became Master of the Lodge of Living Stones No. 4957, Leeds, UK, which today remains dedicated to the study of Masonry’s esoteric roots.
He is best known for his iconic work, The Meaning of Masonry (1922), which remains a much-valued exploration of the deeper meanings of our Craft.
The scope of his esoteric focus is reflected in the titles of prior lectures that became his chapters: The Deeper Symbolism of Masonry; Masonry as a Philosophy; Further Notes on Craft Symbolism; The Holy Royal Arch; and The Relation of Masonry to the Ancient Mysteries.
The purpose and value underlying this and Wilmshurst’s other Masonic writings are stated thus in the introduction to this seminal work:
“What seems now needed to intensify the worth and usefulness of this great Brotherhood is to deepen its understanding of its own system, to educate its members in the deeper meaning and true purpose of its rites and its philosophy. Were this achieved the Masonic Order would become, in proportion to that achievement, a spiritual force greater than it can ever be so long as it continues content with a formal and unintelligent perpetuation of rites, the real and sacred purpose of which remains largely unperceived, and participation in which too often means nothing more than association with an agreeable, semi-religious, social institution. Carried to its fullest, that achievement would involve the revival, in a form adapted to modern conditions, of the ancient Wisdom-teaching and the practice of those Mysteries which became proscribed fifteen centuries ago, but of which modern Masonry is the direct and representative descendant, as will appear later in these pages.” (1999 Barnes & Noble edition, pp. 16-17.)
Several articles by Wilmshurst, also from an esoteric perspective, were published in the Occult Review, including: “Reason and Vision” (Oct. 1909); “The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal” (Mar. 1910); “Spurious Ecstasy and Ceremonial Magic” (Jul. 1911); “The Mystical Basis of Masonry” (Oct. 1911); and “Concerning Cosmic Consciousness” (Mar. 1924).
Other such papers, before being published, were addresses delivered to the Masonic Study Society of London, including: “The Working Tools of an Old York Master” (1923) and “The Fundamental Philosophical Secrets of Masonry” (1925).
For use by his Lodge of Living Stones, Wilmshurst also wrote detailed “analyses and commentaries” on the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft degrees entitled, respectively, The Ceremony of Initiation and the Ceremony of Passing.
Wilmshurst also wrote poetry of some renown during his lifetime, including the Masonic poems, “The Way to the East” and “Songs of the Building Craft.” The Oxford Book of English Verse includes three of his other works: “Anima Naturae,” Nox Nivosa” and “Mystical Verse.”
ISBN-10 : 1592329071
ISBN-13 : 978-1592329076
Up-to-date member information
is critical for our Lodge to
keep in touch with you.
Please email or call
our Brother Secretary
to verify your information today.
(916) 412-1423
Or login to your account profile.
Your prompt assistance is appreciated.
THU 25
THU 16
THU 23
THU 30
Since July 2020, thousands of California Freemasons have already begun to access their portals in iMember 2.0, the new membership platform—one of the highest adoption rates of any grand lodge jurisdiction on the system. Yet with so many new features just a finger-swipe away—and many more being prepped for launch this fall—there are still lots of questions left to be answered, starting with some of the most basic.
How to Get to iMember 2.0
iMember 2.0 is designed to work on any mobile phone, tablet, or desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection. Simply visit member.freemason.org/lodges/20 or freemason.org and click the FOR MEMBERS button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. If you haven’t logged on yet, you’ll need to create an account, so have your email address, membership number, and a unique password ready to go.
You Can Download iMember 2.0 on Your Phone
Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you can add a home screen shortcut to access iMember 2.0 quickly and easily. To install, use your web browser to visit the site, and select “Add to home screen.”
The exact placement of the button will depend on your web browser (Safari, Chrome, or Firefox).
More Features in the Works
• Digital Dues, Reminders and Payment Plans
• Expanded Social Networks with App Notifications
• New Ways to Share Resources
• One-Stop Shop for Hall Associations
• Keeping Track of Attendance
iMember 2.0 is available to all Masons in California!
For questions on iMember 2.0, contact Member Services at (415) 292-9180 or memberservices@freemason.org

Washington Lodge No. 20
2021 Officers
Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357
Russell Tomas
Senior Warden
Nick Johnston
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Jesse Solis-Jacques (PM)
Bill Workman
Kyle Campbell
Assistant Secretary
Mauro Lara
Senior Deacon
Creston Whiting-Casey
Junior Deacon
Joe Wallach
Matt Mason
Senior Steward
Dave Minke
Junior Steward
Marty Buff
Floyd Tritt
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Luis Montero (PM)
Officers' Coach
Dave Cameron (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th District
Secretary’s Office
(916) 412-1423