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We are back! These are exciting times, Brethren…


In May, we had our first outdoor event at the Ben Ali Shrine Center, where we gathered for our Annual Family BBQ Picnic with over 100 guests. It was so nice to see Brothers, Prospects, and families enjoying the beautiful weather, games, and amazing food together. Master Chef Bob Taylor outdid himself once again and went above and beyond to provide us with a very tasty menu.


In June, we hosted our Fellowship & Education Night - Trivia Night Edition in the Club Room and witnessed Brothers and Prospects going head-to-head against the sharpest minds in the room.


Congratulations to the Champions of the trivia game, Team Quarantinis: Mr. Brandon Jenkins, Mr. Kevin Hall, Mr. Jonathan Bray, and Mr. Matt Piper! These Prospects rocked the house so much that we almost scheduled their Initiation for the next day! Followed very closely (with just one point behind!) by Team Social Quizstancing: Worshipful Phil Hardiman, Worshipful Eric Hixson, and Brother Marty Buff. Worshipful Hardiman – Champion of our previous Trivia Night – especially “loved” the Pop Culture (Entertainment) category… Not!

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I would like to thank you all who attended the event and also give a big shout-out to our Brother Junior Warden, Nick Johnston, and Brother Stewards, Matt Mason and Dave Minke, for providing us with such delicious refreshments! Despite being in the middle of a heatwave, the Club Room was packed and the energy was amazing! The heat, however, stayed outside, for the relief of us all.


In July, we are finally back to our regular schedules. On July 1st, the fun begins at 6:00 PM when we all get together for an Independence Day Celebration Dinner. Master Chef Bob Taylor is working hard to give you a very special welcome back menu: Cowboy Steak, Baked Potato, Asparagus, Garlic Bread, and a mouth-watering surprise dessert! I scream for ice cream! This event is open to WLN20 Members, Visiting Brethren, and Non-Masons Guests. Reservations are required. Please RSVP to today.


After dinner, the Brethren will slowly and “full-bellily” head downstairs to the Lodge Room, where the Stated Meeting will take place. I am thrilled to be able to perform and experience our Masonic Ritual again. It’s been too long!


A promise: The room will look, feel and sound a little different from the last Stated Meeting. I hope you enjoy the improvement. With this assurance on my part, I am confident I will see you on the sidelines for an epic return to our Masonic Life.

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Branden Polupan


On July 22nd, our Bowling with Brothers outing returns. Please join us at 6:00 PM at the Country Club Lanes on the corner of Watt and El Camino Avenues. Our Champion, Worshipful Dave Cameron, undefeated since 2018, is ready to face the challengers! And by “undefeated since 2018,” I mean, we have not had any bowling competition since then. (sigh) Regardless, it is time to challenge our undefeated Champion! The stakes could not be higher… Please RSVP to today.


I am delighted to announce our first Initiation Ceremony of the year. On July 29th, Brother Thomas Ansell's 60th Birthday, we will be welcoming Mr. Branden Wallich Polupan into our Ancient and Honorable Fraternity. Mr. Polupan has been waiting for this moment since 2019 and I hope you can be there for him as he takes his first steps in his Masonic Odyssey. 6:00 PM dinner in the Banquet Room followed by Degree at 7:00 PM sharp. Our Brother Junior Warden, Nick Johnston, will be directing the ceremonies. All Officers are overly excited to perform our beautiful Ritual again. If you are planning to attend dinner, please RSVP to me. This is going to be a night to remember.


In closing, Brethren, it is with excitement and gratitude that I welcome you back to the Sacramento Masonic Temple. The Lodge Room has an improved AC system and you will no longer be asked to pay for parking. Washington Lodge will have that covered for you - just ask me for your parking validation code.


Granted, returning to the Temple and to our activities will never be the same. It will be better! I can not wait for the opportunity and honor to see and serve you again… 

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This year is the 245th anniversary of our country’s independence. It seems we are celebrating two instances of independence. One in our country’s past and one in our country’s present. We will be celebrating our nation’s “birthday” and the lifting of the pandemic restrictions (a new spin on “independence”). As we move forward, we should remember that there are positive changes ahead.  These positive changes, whether at the start of our country in the late 1700s or at the lifting of pandemic restrictions in 2021, could not happen without the challenges we faced and overcame. As one of the online fitness instructors said in one of the classes I took, “There is no change without challenge.”

Our country would not exist without people like our Founding Fathers.  The changes necessary to effectively create our country was fraught with challenge.  They dissolved the political bands that were used to control our country, they fought a war to defend it, and framed the language that would become the “law of our land.”  These great men overcame many challenges, but also left room for future generations to do the same. One of my favorite quotes that describes why our Founding Fathers were great men comes from the 1994 movie With Honors.

“…they were also great men. Because they knew one thing that all great men should know: that they didn't know everything. Sure, they'd make mistakes, but they made sure to leave a way to correct them.”

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Our Lodge has changed for the better by overcoming the challenge of the pandemic.  At the start of the pandemic when the mandates were imposed our future seemed bleak. With the leadership from our very own Worshipful Marques and hard work by our fellow Brothers, our Lodge was able to change in good ways. We found new ways to communicate and improved the internal workings (like our roster) of our Lodge.

There are more changes on the horizon.  We will be initiating quite a few men into our fold in the next few months, improving our performance in rituals, making additional improvements to our internal business, and creating more opportunities for fellowship events. None of these changes can be attained without overcoming the necessary challenges through diligence, practice, and preparation. By emulating our Founding Fathers, we can make our Lodge better for future Brothers and leave a path for them to overcome future challenges.


Happy Fourth of July!

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This month, two of our Brethren turn sixty years of age. Please help me in congratulating Brothers Maury Hicks and Thomas Ansell who will achieve this most memorable milestone in July.


We pick up on our tour of the heavens this month with the sign of Leo, which is Latin for Lion. This constellation is commonly associated with royalty, and receives this association all the way back to the Babylonians.


For the Babylonians, the constellation was known as MUL.UR.GU.LA, and was translated to “the lion,” and marked the summer solstice. The Egyptians also associated the lion with royalty, and the picture below shows the lion integrated into the throne of Tutankhamun. The Greeks interpreted the constellation as one of the 12 Labors of Herakles, specifically the Nemean lion, whose impenetrable armor of fur Herakles surmounted by slaying the lion with his bare hands.



Looking back to my February column, if you were to have looked at the night sky in the times suggested, you would have looked upon Cancer at the apex of the arch in the sky. As the days of February continued on, the constellation at the apex of the ecliptic would have transitioned from Cancer to Leo. Why this particular time in February was notable is because it allowed you to gaze upon this upcoming month’s sky if it was gazed upon at high noon in the year of the completion of King Solomon’s temple.


Ordinarily, the brightness of the sun washes out the perception of stars in the sky, but by looking upward in the wee hours of February, it accounts for the duration of years and cycles, and allows you to see the constellations in front of their darkened backdrop.


Continuing our study of the times and seasons, we note that during this time of year, where the day length is the longest, we can readily observe the vigor of growth in the natural world. The leaves of hope, and blossoms of spring, accelerate their transformation into a blushing verdancy.


It is a wonder to behold how the long days and warm weather raise the newfound shoots of spring from the earth skyward. Since June 15th, it has been my pleasure to see many of you at some of our recent events.


Worshipful Marques has a wonderful schedule coming up to keep us all engaged, and like the flora of summer, we will all be abruptly raised from our dormancy very soon to a busy schedule of activity. I look forward to seeing you there.

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Brethren, for the month of July, I know many of us are excited to celebrate gatherings with our family and friends this summer. We continue to encourage everyone to stay safe, stay hydrated, and have fun! We look forward to seeing you all again soon.


There are a few things from the Secretary’s table that we would like to share regarding the Masonic Widows Program.

First of all, Grand Master Arthur Weiss proclaimed the month of February 2021 as Masonic Widows Month. Read the Proclamation HERE.


As you may all know, it is our Masonic obligation to assist our widows. The Masonic Widows Program is what we have established to fulfill this purpose. Many brethren may not know what it is or what we can do to help to spread our core principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. One of the most important things we can do is to ensure opportunities for involvement. Our widows have always been part of our brotherly family and it is crucial that we continue to stay connected.


An example of involvement would be creating special events, such as, our Annual Ladies Night that can bring the fun out of life with dancing, dinner, entertainment, and enjoyable activities for us all.


Worshipful Marques will be hosting our Annual Ladies' Night this year and invites you to take a step back into time and relive a night from the Roaring 20s with live music and prohibition-era cocktails. Phonotone Orchestra will keep you dancing all night. Tickets are FREE for WLN20 Ladies and Widows. $25 for gentlemen. $15 for non-WLN20 ladies. Ticket sales open 08/01 through 10/15/2021. Reservations are required for admittance to the ballroom. For more information, please click HERE. or send an inquiry via email at


Events like these are also appropriate occasions to present to them the Grand Lodge Widow’s pin. If it is not convenient to present the pins at this special event, present them at a lodge stated meeting dinner or some other time during the year.


Volunteering is also a great opportunity to stay connected. Traditionally, many lodges have planned several ongoing events throughout the year. Our ladies have always provided the source of enthusiastic energy that our lodge needs to thrive and we are very grateful to have them as our supporters. We would like to make sure we not only request the assistance of our wives with these events, but also invite our Masonic Widows to help.


Our Masonic Widows may also need help with an array of projects or daily functions. The kind gesture of lending a helping hand to those in need is powerful and another wonderful way to stay connected. We have many talented, skillful, and resourceful brethren in our lodges who can either help widows with their finances, taxes, painting projects, plumbing or other household repairs, grocery shopping, transportation, or simply having a social hour in good company. We encourage members to volunteer to help our widows as often as they can.


Another vital part of staying connected with our Masonic Widows is to include them in our mailing distribution listing. This can only be done, of course, with the most updated contact information. One of the best ways to maintain our contact integrity of our members and their spouses is to update your profile, when necessary.

If you need to update your contact information, I will be glad to assist. Please send me your updated information at Thank you.


Another great program that Masonic Widows can take advantage of is The Sisters of Hiram program. This program is a social group composed of a lodge’s widows, who meet informally for companionship and support. Its members can be a support group for the lodge too, providing volunteer assistance for dinners and other events. For more information, contact the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Widows Programs at 415-776-7000.


We understand that there may be times when our wives, widows, and families may not always have the luxury of time, passion, or motivation to be involved in any of our masonic activities for numerous reasons. It is our hope that our widows have the assurance that they are always welcomed and invited at any time and to contact our lodge at their leisure and without hesitation. We are here for you and we thank you all much, in advance, for your time and support.


Lastly, Brethren, I would like to provide my sincere gratitude to our Masonic Widows for being that honorable pillar in our communities and for our Brethren. Thank you all again for your support and we look forward to striving to stay connected every day. As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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Washington Lodge No. 20 

Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide 
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences. 

Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these 
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities. 

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Founding Fathers

The Fight for Freedom and the Birth of American Liberty
by K.M. Kostyal and Jack N. Rakove


Kostyal tells the story of the great American heroes who created the Declaration of Independence, fought the American Revolution, shaped the US Constitution--and changed the world.


The era's dramatic events, from the riotous streets in Boston to the unlikely victory at Saratoga, are punctuated with lavishly illustrated biographies of the key founders--Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison--who shaped the very idea of America.


An introduction and ten expertly-rendered National Geographic maps round out this ideal gift for the history buff and students alike.


Filled with beautiful illustrations, maps, and inspired accounts from the men and women who made America, Founding Fathers brings the birth of the new nation to light.

ISBN-13: 978-1426211751

Purchase Book

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Up-to-date member information
is critical for our Lodge to 
keep in touch with you.

Please email or call
our Brother Secretary
to verify your information today.
(916) 412-1423

Or login to your account profile.


Your prompt assistance is appreciated.


THU 01 • 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Independence Day Celebration Dinner

Banquet Room

(Masons and Guests)

Click to RSVP

THU 01 • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Monthly Stated Meeting

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More

THU 08 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Officers' Practice

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

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THU 15 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Officers' Practice

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More

WED 21

OSI - Officers School of Instruction


(Returning in August)

Click to Join

THU 22 • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Bowling with Brothers

Country Club Lanes

(Masons and Guests)

Click to RSVP

THU 29 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

First Degree Dinner

Banquet Room

(Masons and Guests)

Click to RSVP

THU 29 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

First Degree - Mr. Branden Polupan

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More


THU 05 • 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Sacramento History Celebration Dinner

Banquet Room

(Masons and Guests)

Click to RSVP

THU 05 • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Monthly Stated Meeting

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More

THU 12 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Officers' Practice

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More

WED 18

OSI - Officers School of Instruction


(Returning in August)

Click to Join

THU 19 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Officers' Practice

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More

THU 26 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

First Degree Dinner

Banquet Room

(Masons and Guests)

Click to RSVP

THU 26 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

First Degree - Mr. Moises Gonzalez

Lodge Room One

(Masons Only)

Learn More

Fourth of July

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Since July 2020, thousands of California Freemasons have already begun to access their portals in iMember 2.0, the new membership platform—one of the highest adoption rates of any grand lodge jurisdiction on the system. Yet with so many new features just a finger-swipe away—and many more being prepped for launch this fall—there are still lots of questions left to be answered, starting with some of the most basic.

How to Get to iMember 2.0

iMember 2.0 is designed to work on any mobile phone, tablet, or desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection. Simply visit or and click the FOR MEMBERS button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. If you haven’t logged on yet, you’ll need to create an account, so have your email address, membership number, and a unique password ready to go. 

You Can Download iMember 2.0 on Your Phone

Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you can add a home screen shortcut to access iMember 2.0 quickly and easily. To install, use your web browser to visit the site, and select “Add to home screen.”


The exact placement of the button will depend on your web browser (Safari, Chrome, or Firefox). 

More Features in the Works

• Digital Dues, Reminders and Payment Plans
• Expanded Social Networks with App Notifications
• New Ways to Share Resources
• One-Stop Shop for Hall Associations
• Keeping Track of Attendance

iMember 2.0 is available to all Masons in California! 

For questions on iMember 2.0, contact Member Services at (415) 292-9180 or 

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Washington Lodge No. 20
2021 Officers

Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357

Russell Tomas

Senior Warden

Nick Johnston

Junior Warden

Eric Hixson (PM)


Jesse Solis-Jacques (PM)


Bill Workman


Kyle Campbell

Assistant Secretary

Mauro Lara

Senior Deacon

Creston Whiting-Casey

Junior Deacon

Joe Wallach


Matt Mason

Senior Steward

Dave Minke

Junior Steward

Marty Buff


Floyd Tritt


Jared Yoshiki (PM)

Junior Past Master

D. Edward Entrican (PM)

Treasurer Emeritus

Luis Montero (PM)

Officers' Coach

Dave Cameron (PM)

Head Candidates' Coach

Michael Woo (PM)

Inspector 414th District

Secretary’s Office
(916) 412-1423

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